So, We’re Dressing Like Butter Now?


If you’ve been paying attention to fashion blogs, dressing like a “stick of butter” is a thing. I usually find beige and cream colors blah, but I can see how the minimalists of the world are super excited by this trend. It is chic and a little bit edgy. You get to play with textures and the cut and drape of clothing while keeping the color scheme cool. It is a fashion challenge, because even though the colors are neutral, you do not get to be boring.

This color scheme offers an added benefit for those who are overwhelmed by thrift stores, as it is an opportunity to take a clear objective into the store, in this case the color beige, and use it as a guide to focus your eye. If you are looking for a very specific color scheme, all of a sudden a store does not seem so confusing. You can skim and clear racks very quickly.

Here is my take on butter, baby.  I found the silk shirt and pants at Desert Best Friend’s Closet in Palm Desert, CA, where everything is priced at $5 (or $4 each if you buy five items). I always buy at least five items, so I paid $8 for this outfit. It’s 100% silk by Preview Collection. The belt was thrifted from Salvation Army for $2.99. While I will thrift shoes at a size eleven they are not an easy get. These boots are retail.


And one more, because surprisingly it got kinda fun.IMG_0727

The sweater is from Goodwill $5.99 and the pants I got on half off day at Salvation Army for $3, Bloomingdale’s label. They are 100% silk, with a mother of pearl beaded trim around the waist and pockets. Shoes are retail.

I stand corrected.  Butter is not so blah after all. Go figure.


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